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External sources

This is a list of references to external sources that are relevant and can prove useful in everyday engineering practice. The list is focused mainly on structural and mechanical engineering fields. If you own a website and you feel that it must be included in this list, please contact me, to review your site. 

DISCLAIMER: maintains no affiliate relationship with the websites mentioned in the following list, is not responsible for their contents and accepts no liability for any damage that can be caused if you visit them. The descriptions in the following list are not guaranteed to be accurate or up to date. If you are a site owner and believe that your site is not described accurately, please contact me.

efunda.comReference site featuring calculators, formulas and practical guides for several engineering disciplines. Subscription based, with limited free access.
engineersedge.comThis site offers an extensive list of articles, and resources for structural and mechanical engineering topics. Paid subscription is required for many of them though.
engineeringtoolbox.comVast collection of material related mainly to mechanical engineering. reference site with in-depth articles on topics related to mechanical engineering.
structx.comA site specialized on structural engineering resources, including calculators, formulas and tables.
amesweb.infoComprehensive collection of calculators and articles, mainly related to mechanical and structural engineering.
arcelor-mittal softwareFree design software for steel structures by Arcelor-Mittal.
calculatorsoup.comSite with calculators for math, financial, physics and other problems
unitconverters.netSite with extensive list of unit converters